CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN Sex robots could be HACKED by cyber criminals looking to record users while they romp, expert warns

December 14, 2018  22:35

SEX robots of the future could be hacked by sick cyber criminals looking to steal rompers' most intimate details, a security expert has warned.Cameras and microphones connected to the devices could be commandeered by remote hackers looking to record filthy clips that they can use to blackmail randy users.Tim Mackey, senior technical adviser at software and computer chip firm Synopsys, says hackers could easily exploit people's relationships with their sex robots as the technology behind them advances.He says sex robots of the future will likely collect data on their users to build a more "personalised experience"."Users are always expecting more from their smart gadgets, and security has not kept pace," he told The Sun Online."This extends to sex robots, where gadgets of the future could collect a 'relationship profile' built around the preferences of whoever is in control."Activity with the robot could be stolen by hackers, just as activity with certain brands of smart sex toy has been compromised before."Mr Mackey added that technology added to sex robots could be broken into by ghoulish hackers.Cyber criminals could then use the machines for sextortion schemes by recording users performing erotic acts and then threatening to post it online unless a ransom is paid."Sex robots will likely someday involve cameras, microphones and speakers. These could help committed partners living a long distance from one another keep their relationships fresh and alive," Mr Mackey told the Sun Online."But that carries a risk because people already have the ability to hack into that sort of equipment."He said that anyone buying smart technology - sex robot or not - should follow a few simple steps to protect themselves from hackers."Ensure whatever device you’re buying has a method to explicitly set your password, and don't rely on the default - go to the effort to change your password."Particularly with sex robots, if your partner has access to your username and password, make sure your credentials are changed should you separate."

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