New mobile app to detect depression in patient's voice

July 16, 2019  13:31

A new mobile application developed by scientists from the University of Alberta (Canada), will be able to diagnose depression by the sound of the patient's voice, using artificial intelligence, combining several machine learning algorithms, The Health Site reported.

According to the source, engineers were repelled by the fact that the timbre of the voice contains enough information about a person’s mood.

The mobile application will be able to collect samples of people's voices. At the same time, artificial intelligence will recognize and follow the markers that speak about mood and the presence of depression in a person.

This app is still imperfect, but in the future it can help patients or medical staff to more adequately conduct therapy.

Experts remind that depression is a much more serious problem than it might seem at first glance: because of depression, some people lose their capacity, besides, many in a state of depression go to suicide.

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