Most people do not know that they suffer from migraines

September 21, 2019  20:38

Migraines can be effectively managed. But researchers say that patients do not recognize the symptoms and therefore receive the wrong treatment, Medical Press reported.

Dr. Stephanie Goodhew, from the Research School of Psychology, says the study highlights a need for a public health campaign to inform the community on the treatments and defining features of migraines.

"Migraine is more than a headache. It is an incredibly disabling condition that is also incredibly common—about 15 percent of the population suffer from migraines," said Dr. Goodhew. "What is unique about it is that among neurological conditions, migraines are one of the most underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed conditions. A lot of people have migraines and don't realize they have it. Even when people see their GP it can be missed or undiagnosed. People think having headaches is not big deal but having a migraine is not just a headache. It is a much more severe pain and can be debilitating."

The study also showed that one in five people who had migraines did not know about any of the dangers associated with treating with powerful drugs that are often used to treat this disease.

"This research shows people suffering from migraines often have incomplete or insufficient information about their own condition," said Dr. Goodhew.

According to her, the problem for practitioners is that there is no single biological marker that would indicate a migraine.

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