Can diabetes be reversed?

August 15, 2022  17:34

If you are living with type 2 diabetes, there is still hope: Although the disease cannot be cured, it can be moved into remission. Experts have listed five ways to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes for Eat This, Not That!Studies show that a healthy, low-carbohydrate diet can stabilize blood sugar levels. Many people with type 2 diabetes are now choosing a diet based mostly on low-carbohydrate foods, and many doctors are picking up on this idea, too. People with type 2 diabetes often notice that blood sugar levels rise from the first low-carbohydrate meal. The need for medications, especially insulin, usually decreases dramatically. Weight loss is a highly effective way to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes. The strongest evidence suggests that diabetes goes into remission largely through weight loss, notes Diabetes UK. If you are obese, you are more likely to go into remission if you lose a significant amount of weight, 15 pounds, as quickly and safely as possible after diagnosis. Rapid weight loss is not recommended if you are at a healthy weight, under 18, pregnant, breastfeeding, or have ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder.Regular exercise is necessary not only for good health, but also to combat insulin resistance. By burning calories and reducing body fat, you reduce insulin resistance, which helps control blood sugar levels, Narinder Bajwa , M.D., told the paper.  Studies show that a diet of 800 calories a day can also help reverse type 2 diabetes. A low-calorie, 800-calorie-a-day diet consists of four soups or smoothies. They have all the vitamins and minerals you need, recommends Diabetes UK.  However, it is very important to remember that you should not try these ways to prevent diabetes without a doctor's supervision.

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