11 healthy products to protect body from inflammation

February 25, 2023  18:04

Inflammation is the body's response to pathogen penetration, it is a defense mechanism that speeds up healing and repair of the body. Once the body is back to normal, inflammation should gradually subside and cease.

In some cases, however, it becomes chronic and poses a serious health threat, increasing the risks of various diseases, including cancer. To protect your body from the onset of chronic inflammation, doctors recommend eating certain foods.

The following foods are thought to have the strongest anti-inflammatory effects. Their consumption significantly improves the body's defense against diseases caused by inflammation, Food News writes.


They are one of the best food sources of antioxidants, substances that play an important role in resisting inflammation. It is the presence of antioxidants that make the product anti-inflammatory.Fatty Fish

It is rich in omega-3 - this type of unsaturated fat has an anti-inflammatory effect on vascular tissue that helps prevent heart disease.Leafy vegetables

Famous for being high in vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium, they contain several phytochemicals and fiber. Their consumption has a positive effect on intestinal flora, promotes the growth of "good" bacteria - this prevents the development of chronic inflammation.Nuts

Nut are an excellent source of plant protein and also contain monounsaturated fats, which can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.Olive oil

It's high in vitamin E, polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing vascular inflammation.Whole grains

Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, it effectively improves gut microflora. Scientific evidence confirms that whole grains can be a powerful ally in lowering cholesterol, as well as protecting against heart disease and diabetes, ailments closely linked to inflammation.


It contains probiotics - "good bacteria" that settle in the body and protect it from other, harmful bacteria.Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower, radishes and others are rich in fiber, vitamins and phytochemicals such as indole, thiocyanic acids and nitriles that improve protection against certain cancers.Legumes

Studies show that legumes can reduce the risk of heart disease by fighting inflammation - an abundance of fiber, folic acid and plant protein help.


Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, which are powerful antioxidants that can, for example, fight the development of prostate cancer. Heat-treated tomatoes are especially rich in lycopene.


Cucumbers inhibit the development of cancer and aging.

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