Scientists refuted the claim that sweeteners cause weight gain

December 12, 2023  14:02

The use of sweeteners does not contribute to the growth of fat deposits. In this respect reports The Daily Mail, citing a study by scientists at the University of Liverpool, said: published In the International Journal of Obesity.

A meta-analysis of 37 studies on the impact of sweeteners on human health by Canadian scientists from the University of Manitoba showed that sweetener lovers have a high risk of becoming overweight. Scientists from the University of Minnesota (USA) came to similar conclusions.

But a British research team from the University of Liverpool found that consuming artificial sweeteners may help you lose weight. An experiment involving two groups of volunteers found that overweight and obese adults lost more weight when they drank artificially sweetened beverages instead of plain water.

493 participants were required to maintain a daily calorie deficit for 52 weeks. They were allowed to drink about two liters of carbonated (or still) artificially sweetened beverages or water per day. Although weight loss was observed in both groups in the first 12 weeks, the best results were obtained in subjects who drank artificially sweetened beverages. In addition, such drinks did not have a negative effect on the health indicators of the volunteers. On the contrary, their blood pressure stabilized, as did those who drank water.

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