Environment International: Children who spend more time in nature are mentally healthier, study suggests

June 26, 2024  22:22

Children who spend more time in natural environments have significantly better mental health, according to new research led by the University of Glasgow, the latter informs. 

The study, which is published in the journal Environment International, found that children who spent just 60 minutes daily in nature had a 50% lower risk of mental health issues.

Notably, the benefits were greatest for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly in terms of improved behavior and social skills. 

In addition, the study found that using natural environments for light activities, such as walking, was equally as beneficial as using these spaces for more vigorous activities, such as running.

As a result of the findings, the researchers call for collaborative efforts between policymakers, local planners, community organizations, and health professionals to ensure good access to safe, high-quality natural spaces in disadvantaged areas.

They also stress the importance of raising awareness about the health benefits of being in nature.

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