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The potential dangers of grapefruit

February 11, 2022  11:48

Grapefruit is not as healthy and safe as many people think, a gastroenterologist and nutritionist, Magomedtagir Ibragimov (Russia) said.

According to Channel 5's website, grapefruit does not actually burn fat - this is just a myth. The doctor suggests that the "miracle effect" occurs due to the large amount of water contained in the fruit: it is due to the excess fluid after eating a grapefruit that a feeling of fullness occurs.

However, the expert warns that if you eat too much grapefruit, you could end up in hospital or even die.

"Grapefruit contains chemicals that can interact with certain medicines, making them more powerful," said the specialist.

Eating too much grapefruit can lead to problems such as acute kidney failure, respiratory failure, internal bleeding and even sudden death.

According to the specialist, grapefruit can be particularly dangerous for certain categories of patients as the fruit irritates mucous membranes and, as a result, significantly complicates the treatment of inflammatory diseases. He explained that the chemicals in the product affect enzymes in the intestines, which normally reduce the effect of drugs on the body.

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