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What foods can help reduce sugar cravings?

February 20, 2022  11:21

Some foods can help reduce sugar cravings and help you avoid gaining weight, Eat This, Not That! reported.

These foods are recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who want to maintain their weight.

According to Eat This, Not That!, the desire to eat sweets can arise due to an insufficient diet and a large amount of convenience foods in the diet. Nutritionist Amy Goodson believes that in order to reduce sugar intake, the first thing to do is to eat a nutritious breakfast, if possible with wholesome foods. This could be, for example, an omelette with vegetables and wholemeal toast or oatmeal with fruit and nuts.

For snacks during the day, Goodson suggests opting for foods that are high in fiber and protein. These include cheese and fruit, yoghurt and berries, beef jerky, a granola bar and even a piece of toast with peanut butter. According to the nutritionist, snacks are important because when hunger is high, people may be tempted to eat sweets to raise blood sugar levels.

If cravings for sweets do not go away even after a hearty and proper meal, the nutritionist suggests eating some prunes. Sugar can raise serotonin levels, she says, so it is important to find alternative ways to maintain high levels of this hormone. For example, exercise, sunny weather and walks outdoors may do the trick.

Dietitian Lauren Manaker recommends paying attention to sleep, because lack of sleep and fatigue can provoke cravings for sweets. She recommends getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.

Sometimes the body can crave sugar when there is a lack of magnesium.

To avoid this, make sure you eat avocados, nuts and other foods that contain magnesium, which help manage magnesium deficiency in the body. You can also take supplements if necessary.

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