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Daily Mail: black beans and walnuts increase life expectancy

May 13, 2024  19:31

According to Dan Buettner, an American researcher of the longevity phenomenon, daily consumption of black beans and walnuts can increase life expectancy by reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, Daily Mail writes. 

Buettner explained that black beans and walnuts are part of the daily diet of residents of the so-called "blue zones" - several small regions of the world, which are inhabited by long-lived people in a proportion much higher than the average.

Nuts and black beans are rich in fibre, which helps reduce inflammation in the gut and in the body as a whole. Persistent low-intensity inflammation serves as a risk factor for many diseases, including cancer. Also, these foods are rich in protein. This nutritional component helps reduce feelings of hunger and helps prevent obesity and overweight leading to overeating, which increases the risk of diabetes.

The researcher noted that walnuts stand out for their high content of linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.

Buettner also cited a 2004 study that surveyed numerous elderly people living in the so-called blue zones of Japan, Sweden and Greece. The results showed that legume eaters lived longer than others. Every 20 grams of beans consumed daily was associated with a 7% reduction in the risk of premature death.

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