Smartphones to blame for spreading nits in school

July 6, 2017  22:34

Smartphones are fast becoming health's worst enemy in 2017, with numerous studies showing that they are to blame for our falling IQs, lack of sleep and poor mental health. And it's not just adults that are affected. Now, to top it all off, scientists have warned that the devices are to blame for spreading nits in schools, too.

It seems that the stubborn 'misery bugs' – which are notoriously difficult to get rid of – are being passed along amongst youngsters when they huddle together to look at phone screens in the playground, with a study of more than 200 children finding that those who own a smartphone were more than twice as likely to be infested with lice.

The survey collected information on sex, hair length, socioeconomic status and smartphone or tablet ownership. Of those who took part, it was found that 62.5% of the children who had a tablet or smartphone suffered with head lice, compared to just 29.5% of those who did not have the devices.

It also seems that the prevalence of nits is on the rise in parallel with the increasing popularity of technology among younger children, with almost half of the sample reporting having head lice at some point in the past five years – 22 times more than any previously calculated figure.

However, contrary to previous suggestions, it was concluded that taking regular 'selfie' photos was not a major contributing factor to the rise. Researcher Dr Tess McPherson, of Oxford university Hospitals NHS foundation, said:

"[The findings are] interesting, but we can only guess that this is due to the way young people gather around [smartphones or tablets], though there could be other reasons. 'Selfie' culture gets its fair share of negative press so it's worth noting that despite previous speculation it seems that 'selfies' can't specifically be blamed for helping the spread of head lice at this stage."

Interestingly, it was also found that girls with siblings aged six to nine were most commonly affected. Speaking to The Telegraph, Matthew Gass, of the British Association of Dermatologists, said:

"Head lice are a pain to deal with, both for children and their parents. Speaking from experience, they are intractable misery bugs that take far more time and effort to remove than is reasonable. Not to mention the obligatory quarantine period that they necessitate. That's why a better understanding of how these pests are transmitted is useful."

He added:

"Prevention is always better than a cure, particularly if the cure means wrenching your poor daughter's hair with a fine-toothed nit comb, or relying on over-the- counter remedies that head lice are increasingly resistant to. We're not saying that smartphones are causing children to get head lice, but that there is a link, so if there's an outbreak at home or at school, consider how electronic devices might cause children to congregate, allowing head lice to spread."

Contrary to popular belief, head lice have no preference for dirty or clean hair – nor does the length of hair make a difference. Nits can only be spread by direct head-to-head contact, cannot jump, swim or fly, and usually die within 12-14 hours of being removed from the scalp.

The study was presented at the annual meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists in Liverpool.



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