How to improve sex after childbirth

June 3, 2014  23:34

According to a recent survey by UK company Kegel8, after having a baby, 44 percent of women are nervous about having sex for the first time and 20 percent of men have trouble initiating sex, the Fox News reported.

So whether it’s your first or your fifth baby, find out why you and your man might be struggling in the sack and what you can do to make things hot again with the help of 7 tips from Julie Revelant a freelance writer and copywriter specializing in parenting, health, healthcare, nutrition, food and women's issues.

Why sex isn’t the same.

You go to your six-week postpartum checkup and get the green light from your doctor, but the first time you try to do the deed, it’s uncomfortable, painful and probably a little awkward.

During labor, tears, stiches and all that stretching can change the pelvic floor, causing pain and bladder control problems— even during sex.

If you’re breast-feeding, your body has high prolactin levels— which lower libido— and low estrogen levels— which can cause vaginal dryness, painful sex and a lackluster sexual response.

Plus, the extra weight, stretch marks, loose skin and leaky breasts, don’t help you feel confident or sexy, which can affect your partner, too. 

Six months after you stop breastfeeding, if you’re still experiencing pain or discomfort or your hormones seem awry, make an appointment with your doctor.  She can rule out a medical condition and prescribe pelvic floor physical therapy if necessary.

A silicone-based lube is more slippery, lasts longer and is less irritating, which can help with vaginal dryness.

Put the sex on your calendar at least once a week and if it happens on a whim other times, even better!

It’s really easy to forget that there’s a sexy woman underneath those sweatpants, which is why it’s a good idea to make time every week to meet your friends (sans kids), exercise or spend solo time with your partner. 

Even if you’re not in the mood, it’s important not to lose sight of sex. Here’s why: Talking, kissing and cuddling might be enough for you, but your guy needs sex to feel the love. He might understand intellectually why you’re not in the mood, but if he is not feeling loved and emotionally connected to you as he did in the past, over time it causes a disconnect.

Don’t worry about stretch marks and extra pounds, because your guy probably isn’t scrutinizing them the way you are.  Wear some sexy lingerie that gives you confidence or swap your bedroom light for a pink light bulb, which gives a more flattering light, Berman said.

Ask grandma to take the baby for a night or even a weekend so you and your partner not only have time for sex, but the chance to make it exciting again.

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