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Oncologist dispels popular myths about melanoma

May 17, 2022  09:39

Oncologist and a chemotherapist Mikhail Pilch dispelled popular myths about melanoma.

According to the specialist, in 80% of cases medics detect basal cell skin cancer. This type of cancer is not accompanied by the appearance of metastases, which gives the patient a better chance of recovery, reports FAN.

Melanoma can turn out to be a mole not only black, but also pink or red. People with olive or dark skin are also at risk for this cancer.

"Even if you don't tend to be in the sun for a long time, it's important to use a cream with an SPF of at least 30 outdoors, try to stay in the shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun rays are particularly active, and constantly check your skin for unexpected changes," Pilch said in a conversation with Lenta.RU.

Melanoma is caused not only by sunburn, but also by genetic predisposition. It can occur on the skin as well as mucous membranes. Melanoma can be detected by oneself after noticing unusual changes on the skin or after examination by a doctor.

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