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The official website of 6 IMCA is available now

September 1, 2022  16:22

The official website of The 6th International Medical Congress of Armenia is released. It can be reached via 6imca.am/en.

The website provides comprehensive information about the history of the Congress, the members of the presidency and organizational committee of the 6th Congress, as well as the rules and procedures regarding registration and participation, abstract submission. The website is operating in three languages: Armenian, English and Russian.

Starting from September 1, the abstract submission is also open on the website. The procedure for submitting an abstract and the entry procedure can be found in the "Abstract" section of the website. The scientific program of the congress will be available soon, as well as the possibility to register online for participation in the congress.

The 6th International Medical Congress of Armenia will be held on July 6-8, 2023 in Yerevan, Armenia. The International Medical Congress of Armenia is the largest event of Pan-Armenian significance with a long history. These congresses are traditionally attended by thousands of physicians, medical professionals and healthcare professionals from Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora. It is considered to be a unique platform for setting priorities and facilitating the exchange and localization of best practices in healthcare and medicine.

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