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Alexandru Eniu says sometimes it's more important to just choose good words and hold hand of person with cancer

February 6, 2023  23:30

Sometimes it's more important to just choose good words and hold a cancer patient's hand than to offer all the medicine in the world, Alexandru Eniu, chairman of the European School of Oncology, told NEWS.am Medicine reporter when asked what the hardest part of an oncologist's job is.

The hardest part of being an oncologist is being able to deal with patients' problems when there's really not much you can do. Success is measured differently in oncology than in other diseases, and we think we offer a lot, but sometimes it's more important to just pick up good words and hold a cancer patient's hand than to offer all the medicine in the world, he said.

Alexandru Eniu was in Armenia to participate in the Third Armenian Cancer Congress. He noted that ESO has been involved in developing education in the region for more than 20 years. For the past 15 years, they have had Armenian participants as well. Many of them were here in that room, he said.

According to Eniu, he sees the eagerness of Armenian oncologists to gain knowledge. They have a desire to participate in all educational events, and we see a great interest on their part to both deepen their knowledge and to expand their connections, to meet other people and to understand what is happening in other countries in the field of oncology, because they want to improve the field of oncology in Armenia. He sees a lot of interest and perhaps even more interest from people coming from Armenia than, for example, from France, he said.

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