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Frontiers: sun exposure destroys skin microbiome

April 9, 2024  21:36

Researchers from the University of Manchester have found that staying in bright sunlight reduces bacterial diversity on the surface of the skin, which may increase the risk of developing dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. The results of the study are published in the journal Frontiers in Aging.

Volunteers who were preparing to go on holiday to warm countries were selected to take part in the study. Before the holiday, the scientists analysed each participant's skin condition and assessed the number and composition of Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Firmicutes on its surface. On the first, 28th and 84th day after returning home, the composition of the participants' skin microbiome was re-analysed.

The researchers found that participants who had been in the sun the longest (did not avoid tanning) had a reduced number of Proteobacteria on their skin on the first day after their holiday. Proteobacteria is the most numerous group of bacteria overall. It includes 1,534 species, which is about a third of all known bacterial species.

The researchers noted that a reduction in the number and diversity of Proteobacteria present on the skin is a sign that its microbiome is disrupted. Such unwanted changes can cause diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.
The scientists also found that the skin microbiome recovers 28 days after cessation of increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

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