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Human case of bird flu detected in Australia

May 22, 2024  12:27

The authorities of the Australian state of Victoria have informed about the first detected case of human infection with the bird flu virus (A(H10N5)). The ministry of health of this state issued a respective statement.

The ministry noted that the patient with a confirmed diagnosis is "a child who returned to Australia from overseas in March."

The child had a severe infection and tested positive regarding the presence of antibodies to the bird flu virus, but “has made a full recovery," the ministry noted, stating that “there is no evidence of transmission in Victoria."

Cases of human infection with bird flu are rare. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, 889 cases of this disease and 463 deaths due to infection with this virus were recorded in the world, from 2003 to April 1, 2024. In accordance with the international medical and sanitary rules, in case of human infection with bird flu, countries are obligated to inform the WHO about it.

Bird flu is an infectious disease caused by strains of type A influenza. The disease is widespread throughout the world, many species of wild birds are easily infected, but some species, including domestic birds, are not, and the disease develops and can be transmitted to humans.

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