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Depression in adolescents linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease - study

June 27, 2024  18:20

Depression affects about 8% of adolescents worldwide and is a known risk factor for premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adulthood. While the causes of this risk are not fully understood, a study conducted by the Hospital for Sick Kids (SickKids) found that some subgroups of adolescents with depression have an even higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

The results of the new study are published in the journal JAACAP.

The study enrolled 189 adolescents with major depressive disorder who participated in the Children's Comprehensive Mood and Body Program for Depression (CLIMB) at SickKids and assessed their mental health symptoms and cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels and body mass index (BMI). Using machine learning and a statistical technique called cluster analysis, the researchers identified four distinct groups of depressed teens, two of which showed a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Of the two high-risk subgroups, one had high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol) but appeared healthy on physical examination.

Adolescents in this group had dyslipidemia - a condition known to lead to cardiovascular disease and characterized by abnormal blood lipid levels - despite having normal weight and blood pressure.

"Our results suggest that there may be a subgroup of adolescents with depression that cannot be detected by routine physical examination measures, but who are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease in later life," the researchers said.

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