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Daily Mail: hot coffee is more effective at reducing inflammation in the body

July 16, 2024  08:32

Hot coffee has more antioxidants - special molecules that reduce inflammation in the body. Cardiologist Majid Basit, who works at Herman Sugar Land Memorial Hospital in the US, and endocrinologist Eva Kwinar told the Daily Mail.

The doctor explained that antioxidants are natural compounds that inhibit the oxidation process by eliminating free radicals. Free radicals, or oxidants, are byproducts of numerous processes in the human body. Their accumulation damages cells and leads to dangerous health problems such as heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, kidney failure, and cancer.

It is hot coffee that eliminates free radicals more effectively. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports in 2018 found that the cold version of the drink has fewer antioxidants. This is most likely due to the fact that hot water extracts more nutrients from the beans than cold water.

Nevertheless, chilled coffee or iced coffee has its benefits. According to endocrinologist Quinar, the "cold brew" beverage contains higher levels of magnesium and special antioxidants called chlorogenic acids. These help regulate blood sugar levels and normalize blood pressure, which reduces the risk of heart disease. In addition, iced coffee is less acidic than hot coffee. This means that drinking it is less likely to lead to digestive upset.

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