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3-year-old girl urgently hospitalized with signs of infection was found to have a raisin stuck in her nose three months ago

May 30, 2024  18:14

Doctors treating the little girl, who was urgently hospitalized with signs of infection, found that she had a raisin stuck in her nose, which had been there for 3 months, writes the Daily Record. 

The incident occurred in Scotland.

Three-year-old Peyton Handley first felt sick for the first time in February and was suffering from facial pain that caused her to cry.

The girl's parents, Kirsty, 29, and Craig, 35, took their daughter to the GP several times but claim medics were unable to find the cause of her symptoms.

On May 23, the exhausted mum decided to take Peyton to Glasgow Children's Hospital, where paediatricians found dried fruit lodged in her nasal passage within minutes.

‘When they removed it (the raisin) they said there was tissue growing around it. They said Peyton became ill and became ill because her body was fighting the infection caused by it. Her immune system was very weak,’ said the girl's mum.

Peyton was discharged from hospital after a check-up, but Kirsty criticised local doctors for ignoring her concerns.

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