Meat and cheese in middle age - as dangerous as nicotine

March 6, 2014  18:02

Consumption of large amounts of meat and cheese in middle age is just as dangerous to health as smoking, U.S. researchers found.

Studying data on health condition of thousands of men and women older than 50 years, they found, that people, who eat more animal protein, have twice bigger risk of  premature death than those who are not abused in protein food. In addition, they are four times more likely to die from cancer, which is comparable to smoking.

According to the researchers, the protein contained in meat, cheese, eggs and other animal products, promotes the tumour growth and fastens the aging of body cells. Experts recommend people  50 to 65 years old reduce the intake of animal protein, and instead get it from fish, beans and lentils, reports Mail Onlione.

US researchers recommend people 50 to 65 years old, weighing about 57 kilograms, limit their daily protein intake to 45 grams, which is equivalent of two pork chops.

Professor Valter Longo from the University of Southern California studied the dietary data of about  6400 people in US, comparing them with their health data during the last 18 years. As a result, they found a clear link between diet rich in animal protein, defined as the fifth part of daily calories, and the risk of premature death.

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