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Cases of dementia expected to double by 2050 - Alzheimer’s Care Armenia

September 1, 2022  12:37

At the start of World Alzheimer’s Month, Alzheimer’s Care Armenia (ACA), and Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), the global federation for over 105 Alzheimer’s and dementia associations across the world, are calling on the World Health Organization (WHO), governments and other public health bodies to urgently put in place the necessary post-diagnostic support for those living with dementia in light of the striking new prevalence forecasts.

Research from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation has shown that currently 436,494 people are living with dementia in Armenia, a number expected to rise to 1,501,050 by 2050, an extraordinary increase of 244%. While these figures are striking, it is likely that they underestimate the true scale of the problem, with evidence emerging that the COVID-19 may increase the risk of developing dementia later in life, in conjunction with poor diagnosis rates for dementia in many countries. 

ADI CEO, Paola Barbarino, says that most governments around the world are not prepared, and while time is running out, there is still time to act.

“Dementia experts around the globe have demonstrated that we are on route for an extraordinary increase in the prevalence of dementia over the coming years. We know that any other disease, which had predicted to increases of 244% in less than 30 years would most certainly have the attention of the government.  Frustratingly, however, most governments still do not have dementia plans in place, despite committing to developing them in 2017. And sadly, we know that the stigma and discrimination, which still exists around dementia, means that many people still do not come forward for a diagnosis, excluding millions of people around the world from vital treatment and support.”

World Alzheimer’s Month is an annual awareness raising campaign which unites people from all corners of the world to raise awareness and to challenge the stigma that persists around Alzheimer’s disease and all types of dementia. The theme for this year’s World Alzheimer’s Month is Know Dementia, Know Alzheimer’s and is based on the power the knowledge, with a particular focus on post-diagnostic treatment and support for those living with dementia. In Armenia, post-diagnostic support is severally lacking with many people diagnosed with condition unable to access the treatment and support that they require

Dr. Jane Mahakian from Alzheimer’s Care Armenia (ACA) said “There is an increase in dementia prevalence in Armenia which exemplifies the importance of mitigating the risks as well as post-diagnostic support for those living with dementia and their carers in Armenia.”  

Barbarino says governments around the world have the tools at their disposal to mitigate this public health crisis and provide the necessary support for those living with dementia, however many governments are still refusing to act:

“In 2017, all 194 WHO Member States committed themselves to awareness raising and implementing risk reduction measures for dementia through the WHO’s global action plan on the public health response to dementia, however so far only 39 Member States out of 194 have followed through with their promise. The evidence and forecasts are unambiguous, and governments face two choices: to act on their 2017 commitment or wilfully stumble into one of the greatest public health crises of our time.”

  • Currently 436,494 people are living with dementia in Armenia.
  • Every 3 seconds someone in the world develops dementia, by the time you finish reading this press release there will be 142 people more with dementia in this world.
  • By 2050 these figures are expected to be in excess of 1,501,050 - a striking increase of 244%.
  • These trends mirror global patterns with 55 million people living with dementia around the world, a number set to increase to 139 million by 2050.
  • By 2050, more people living with dementia will need post-diagnostic support, however in Armenia this support is woefully inadequate.
  • This World Alzheimer’s Month, Alzheimer’s Care Armenia (ACA) and Alzheimer’s Disease International are urging governments and public health bodies to act or face a spiralling public health crisis.




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