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17 magnetic balls removed, in Yerevan Hospital, from 3-year-old child’s stomach

March 23, 2023  11:38

Seventeen magnetic balls were removed from the stomach of a 3-year-old child, Muratsan University Hospital of Yerevan reports.

The parents of this child had contacted the hospital, stating that the child was playing with magnetic balls, but after some time they noticed the absence of most of them.

A surgeon's examination was performed at the university clinic. The child’s stomach was soft to palpation, no vomiting was observed, and no complaints were noted.

And abdominal X-ray was performed, which revealed 17 x-ray contrast balls.

A laparotomy was urgently performed, and abdominal cavity revision was carried out, during which closely adjacent gallstones were found.

Once they were disconnected, perforations were found in various parts of the cables, including the stomach, caused by the 17 magnetic balls. They were removed, and the integrity of the perforations were restored.

The postoperative course went smoothly, and the child was discharged from the hospital.

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