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Diets are pointless in case of acne, dermatologist says

February 27, 2024  08:35

In many cases, people, without knowing what type of skin they have, which care product is good for them and which is bad, believe in ads and use care products, then come to the dermatologist with complications. Harout Tanielian, a dermatologist at the Tanielian Clinic, said this while talking about the causes of acne and treatment options in an interview with NEWS.am Medicine.

What is acne and why does it occur?

Acne occurs in teenagers due to overworked sebaceous glands and clogged pores during puberty. The problem is accompanied by excessive oiliness of the skin and the appearance of blackheads, red pustules, scars, and marks on the skin. It is mainly expressed on the face, less often on the neck, chest, back, and shoulders. According to dermatologist Harout Tanielian, acne occurs equally in girls and boys, but girls go to the dermatologist more often.

The effect of food on the occurrence and complication of acne

There is a common belief among the public that food can also cause acne. According to the dermatologist, however, the effect of food on the occurrence or exacerbation of acne has not been proven in any way.

"They invent different things, as if you can't eat dairy products, eggs, chocolate—but this is not proven. In case of acne, it is pointless to follow any diet,” says Harout Tanielian.

Another one of the common opinions is that it is forbidden to wash the face with water in case of acne. As per the dermatologist, however, this is just a myth.

Use of care products and cosmetics during acne

The use of decorative cosmetics during acne is not desirable because creams can clog the pores of the face and make the problem more complicated. According to the dermatologist, the use of cheap cosmetics, which are popular in the Armenian market, can cause not only the complication of acne, but also the occurrence of acne during adolescence.

Dermatologist Harout Tanielian urges to consult a dermatologist in case of acne, to take the medication prescribed by this specialist, to avoid the use of unknown and cheap care products and decorative cosmetics, and not to use acne fighting methods spread on the internet.

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