NEJM: Regular peanut consumption can reduce the risk of peanut allergy by 81%

June 3, 2024  13:14

Feeding peanuts to children between infancy and age five can reduce the risk of peanut allergies by 81%. This was shown by a study published in the journal NEJM Evidence.

In the experiment, half of the children consumed peanut products regularly from infancy to age five, while the other half avoided peanuts during this period. Early introduction of peanut products into the diet reduced the risk of peanut allergy by 81% at age five.

The children then avoided peanut products between the ages of five and six. Despite this, they maintained a low risk of allergy.

At age 12, peanut allergy developed in 15.4% of participants who avoided peanuts (38 of 246 children) and 4.4% among those who consumed peanuts as children (11 of 251 children).

If widely implemented, a safe and simple strategy for introducing peanuts into children's diets could prevent tens of thousands of allergy cases in the United States. Researchers recommended consulting a pediatrician before making any dietary changes.

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