Surgeons set to operate on 25-year-old who got wire trapped in his bladder

October 26, 2015  11:56

It's a story that will bring tears to your eyes but for all the wrong reasons.

A 25-year-old man visited an emergency department at a hospital in China after a piece of wire became stuck in his urethra, then bladder.

Doctors questioned how it got there but the embarrassed patient was unwilling to disclose how he came to be in his predicament.

A video of the man emerged this week as he was being treated in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, in southeastern China.

It shows CT images the hospital staff took of his unusual injury, showing the piece of wire coiled in his bladder.

Experts say the most likely cause is a case of sexual gratification gone wrong with the international Journal of Medical Case Reports noting a 53-year-old man presented with the same injuries in 2009. 

In 2013, a 70-year-old man visited Canberra Hospital’s emergency department complaining of bleeding genitalia.

He then promptly admitted that he had inserted a piece of cutlery into his urethra in an attempt to pleasure himself but it became stuck, leaving him in considerable pain. 

The medical journal listed other items encountered including needles, pencils, small animal bones and plants and vegetables such as hay and cucumber.

It stressed they were 'unusual but important' for urologists to encounter. 

It is understood that doctors in China will now have to operate to remove the foreign object. 

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