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How to slow down brain aging?

June 4, 2024  08:32

Aging of the brain can be slowed down with the help of several foods, scientists from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign write in an article of Nature Aging.

This research has identified a specific profile of nutrients that may contribute to healthy brain aging, prompting further research to confirm these findings.

Among such substances are eicosapentaenoic acid and lipoic acid, which are contained, for example, in fish, clams, wormwood seeds, chia, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and walnuts, RIA Novosti reported.

Three different carotenoids, phytopigments that give many fruits and vegetables their characteristic color, play an important role in the nutritional profile of the slow-aging brain. Foods rich in carotenoids are spinach, cabbage, corn, sweet—red, green, or yellow—pepper, tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, melon, broccoli and carrots, the aforesaid scientists note.

In addition, vitamin E and choline are among the respective important substances. Dietary foods include nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils in the first place, and a considerable amount of it is obtained also from green leaves of vegetables and enriched legumes.

Choline is contained in proteins of animal origin, such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs, as well as in some vegetables of the cruciferous family and some legumes.

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