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Why is caffeine not recommended for summer months?

July 12, 2014  18:53

Beverages that contain caffeine are not recommended for summer months, head of legal security section at the state hygienic and anti-pandemic agency of RA Ministry of Health Nune Bakunts says.

Let's find out why.

Caffeine has a promoting impact on the nerves, making them work more intensively. During summer months our body works at the peak of its intensiveness in order to avoid overheating and several other problems, and caffeine may add up to its tension and make it more exhausted. 

Caffeine abuse during hot weather may also result in longer-term problems. Due to exhaustiveness and continuous tension, our body may languish and make immunity suffer. 

Exhaustiveness and irritation may also be signs of dehydration, Nune Bakunts warns. In order to wake your body up and secure a good feel during the whole day, consumption of water or Armenian beverage called 'tan' in large volumes is required.

''Try drinking at least 1.5 liters of water for two days, and you will be surprised to see that, regardless of hot weather and much sweat, you never feel tired and exhausted. That's because you are not dehydrated any more'', - Nune Bakunts explains.

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