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How to help kids recover faster after concussion?

January 22, 2023  18:58

Returning children to school early after a concussion can help them recover quickly. The respective study by specialists at the US Children's National Hospital was published in the journal JAMA Network Open.

Neuropsychologists analyzed data of more than 1,600 children aged 5-18 years. Children normally miss 2-5 days, whereas older kids usually miss more classes.

The researchers found that returning to school early was associated with fewer symptoms 14 days after the injury.

Experts hypothesize that the therapeutic effect of returning to school early may be related to avoiding the destructive effects of socialization or isolation, reducing stress due to absence from school, returning to a normal sleep schedule, and returning to light to moderate physical activity early, which is consistent with earlier research findings.

In the future, the makers of the study plan to determine the best time for a student to return to school after a concussion of varying severity.


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