Everyday habits that make you look older

March 6, 2014  15:41

Are you aging too fast for your years? If you don't like what you see in the mirror, it may be time to evaluate some of your daily routines. The foods you eat and even the way you sleep can add years to your face and may shorten your lifespan. Here, experts discuss the most common age-accelerating habits and ways to reverse the process, Fox News reports.

If your to-do list never seems to get any shorter, the stress from your hectic life may be taxing your body. "People think multitasking is good, but you don't actually get anything done-you just create more stress," said Dr. Raymond Casciari, chief medical officer of St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif. Several studies show that chronic stress triggers the release of free radicals, the unstable molecules that damage cells and are responsible for aging. Instead of trying to do it all, Casciari suggests concentrating on one task at a time and only moving on once you finish it.

You rarely pass up dessert

Aside from adding excess pounds to your body, your sweet tooth may also be adding years to your face.

You get by on fewer than five hours sleep a night

Skimping on sleep not only results in dark bags under the eyes-it has also been linked to a shorter lifespan, said Casciari, who founded a sleep laboratory at St. Joseph's Hospital. "Sleeping within the seven-hour range is optimal," he said.

You love a good TV marathon

In a British Journal of Sports Medicine study of about 11,000 Australians ages 25 and older, researchers found that people who spent an average of six hours a day watching TV lived five years less than their non-viewing counterparts.

You spend most of the day sitting

The dangers of a sedentary lifestyle are well-documented: People who spend most of their days parked in a chair are at increased risk for kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, not to mention obesity.

Naturally, exercising regularly helps to prevent these health issues and keeps you living longer, according to a study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Study participants who exercised 150 minutes or more a week lived 10 to 13 years longer than the inactive bunch.

You don't use eye cream

Skin around the eyes is thinner than the skin on the rest of your face and shows age faster, said Dr. Susan Stuart, a San Diego, Calif. board-certified dermatologist. Keeping the eye area moisturized can take years off your face.

"Eye creams that are most effective contain Retin A, a form of vitamin A," said Stuart.

You use sunscreen, but only on vacation

"The number-one cause of nearly every sign of premature aging on the human face is ultraviolet exposure," said Dr. Sarah L. Taylor, associate professor of dermatology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

You wear too much makeup

Overusing skin products with fragrances, irritating chemicals, and alcohol agents may dry out the skin by removing its natural oils, which causes premature lines and wrinkles.

You sleep with your face in the pillow

Sleeping on your stomach or on your side with your face smashed into the pillow can create wrinkles and accelerate aging. Sleep on your back or invest in a satin pillowcase to keep skin smooth.

You keep your home toasty warm

Investing in a humidifier helps counteract the dry air and can free your skin from itching, scratching, and flaking. Alternatively placing a wet towel over a radiator or a bowl of cold water in the room adds back some of the lost moisture.

You sip drinks through a straw

Drinking dark-colored beverages through a straw can prevent stains on your teeth, but pursing your lips can bring about premature wrinkles around the mouth.

You cut out all fat from your diet

Some fat is necessary for maintaining a youthful feeling and appearance, said Franci Cohen, a certified nutritionist and exercise physiologist from Brooklyn, NY. "Heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish (such as salmon and mackerel) and nuts keep skin supple and plump".

You slouch

Practice good posture by checking it throughout the day: ear, shoulder, and hip should form a straight line when seated.

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